TNS Form Received.

Thank you for filling out the needed information.

We will contact you for more details, if needed. We will process your inquiry and submit a proposal within 2-5 days.

Additionally, we have sent you a copy of the form via email for your review.

Looking forward to working with you on this exciting project!

If you need immediate assistance, please do not hesitate to call us at our hotlines:
Tel: (632) 7957-7937, | 7219-1039
Mobile: (0912) 2231826, (0917) 6372471
Viber: (0917) 6372471

You may pay via check at our office or you may use any of these payment facilities:  

Bank Deposit

We accept bank deposits:

Bank Account Name: Business Maker Academy, Inc.

Bank Account Numbers:
BPI SA# 4013-0306-64
BDO SA# 000-280-622-422
Landbank CA# 3732114830

Paypal/Credit Card

We accept paypal or credit card payments.  If you registered and chose paypal as your mode of payment, our representative will contact you within 24-72 hours to provide our official paypal link and assist you in processing payment.


We accept payments via e-wallets, credit card, online banking or over-the-counter payment centers via Dragonpay. If you registered and chose Dragonpay payment method, our rep  will contact and assist you in processing payment via our Dragonpay link.


We accept Gcash payments. Pls scan QR code to process payment. 

If you requested for a Billling Statement,
we will process and email it to you within 24-72 hours.

Important Note: Business Maker Academy Inc. is a VAT-registered company. TIN# 223-672-691-000 VAT. For zero rated or VAT exempt companies, please include your Certificate of Exemption. Provide Form 2307 or Certificate of Tax Withheld if payment done with tax withheld. Please withhold only 2% as we are classified as suppliers or contractors of service.All bank payments should be directly deposited to our official company bank accounts only under account name:

Business Maker Academy, Inc. Please be advised that no other individual/personal bank account is authorized to collect payment on behalf of the company..

Need assistance in processing payment?
We are here to help.
Please contact us: (632) 7957-7937, 7577-9211, (0917) 6372471, (0912) 2231826
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